Feed Your Face

Clark Jewell was a real Chef (no kidding) in Madison, Wisconsin but then someone paid him to sing and play drums.

He created this series for us back at the dawn of the internets (1996!) and we are happy to share the archive here.

Feed Your Face and its contents are of a satirical nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only. Chef Clark, MCZ.com and its publishers are not responsible for anything that may result from following the “recipe” advise contained within.

Volume 1

#1: Meatloaf The Greatest Food On Earth
#2: Pork Chops & Apple Sauce and why won’t Marsha Brady answer my calls?
#3: Blue Jay Ala Clark Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No…It’s dinner!
#4: The Great Road Trip Slim Jim’s, Denny’s and Evil Truckers
#5: Movin’ Out To The Country…Gonna Eat A Lot Of Peaches Festive Frolics With The Chef
#6: You Get What You Pay For Chili, cake and where to put your frosting
#7: Why I Like To Barbeque Fire up the grill but don’t burn your weenie
#8: In Search Of The Perfect Kids Meal Don’t that kid taste good?
#9: Clark’s Not So Very Happy Article… Adventures in food service (currently unavailable)
#10: Pork, It Pays The Mortgage… Shameless advertising?

Volume 2

#1: Dieting Sucks! He’s baaaa…aaaack…
#2: Fair Food I love the smell of grease in the morning