Tag Archives: Terry Jones

Terry Jones: American Idiot

The whackjob Pastor of the 50 person congregation Dove World Outreach Center, a small radical Christian church in Gainesville, FL, is getting a lot of attention these days. On the one hand writing about them here just adds to the vast amount of unwarranted advertising the group has already received, however, when a bunch of knuckledraggers such as these come up with “Burn A Koran Day” (their spelling not mine), the entire civilized world needs to speak up against them.

The kind of blatant racism and bigotry being preached by Terry Jones is (or at least, should be) sickeningly offensive to people of any color, creed or religion – and needs to be eradicated from society. His claims that he is “fighting radical Islam” are ridiculous and his actions only serve to pour fuel on the fires already burning. This man is directly putting US troops in danger and needs to be held accountable for his myopic actions.

A positive to come out of all this is the unified messages of condemnation from the Roman Catholic, Jewish, Evangelical and Muslim leaders in this country; a country founded on the principle of freedom of religion – to practice any religion – including the pentecostal variation of the Dove World Outreach Center. But with it comes a responsibility to live in peace and respect your countrymen’s own right to practice the religion of their choosing (or not to have one at all) and this line has been crossed by Terry Jones, American Idiot.
Don’t let him get away with it.