Tag Archives: Bernie Sanders

Hillary Clinton: The Difficult But Crucial Decision

We have reached the point in the United States election cycle where many Democrats must make a difficult but crucial decision. Bernie Sanders has run a wonderful grass roots campaign that has stirred many previously ambivalent to politics, especially those just old enough to vote for the first time. He is the anti-establishment candidate that many wanted, but not enough of them could be found to derail support for Hillary Clinton and her more mainstream ideas.

They now have a bitter pill to swallow, but gulp it down they must. It is crucial to the Democrats chances of success in November that they put aside their differences and say, “I’m With Her.”

Why Hillary?

Because 99% of the Republicans who were sickened by Donald Trump’s racist comments (at Judge Gonzalo Curiel), thin-skinned outbursts at the press (at ABC’s Tom Llamas) or simply crackpot ideas (a Mexican funded border wall) are now endorsing him. Exhibit A: Paul Ryan.

They don’t care if he’s a whackjob. He’s a Republican (at least this week) and they’ll vote for him.

It’s time for the flicker that was fanned so that it made you “Feel The Bern” to be turned on Trump, not Hillary. It’s time to quickly concede that the fight for the party nomination is over and turn the focus on the bigger, much more ominous target. For unless you want four years of bigotry, bullying, name calling and hissy fits from the Oval Office, it’s time to “Bern The Donald.”

Clinton may not be your first choice but the alternative come November is terrifying.





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