Only one more. Two long weeks and only one more game, which in retrospect will be like most things in your life, quite anticlimactic. It’s already starting, the questioning, the nagging thought in the back of your mind. You now will have an empty day in your weekend. Something will be missing in your life that will have to be filled with dreadful things like honey-do lists, or dare I say, spending time with your wife and children. Long gone are the golden Sundays. The depression is setting in, you say to yourself, “What will I do now?”.
Well friend I suggest one thing, besides drinking heavily. Go to your local library, pay the fine that has kept you away since 1986 and check out the book “Ball Four” by Jim Bouton (or just buy it on Amazon). With 26 more days until pitchers and catchers report, you’ll have ample time to get out of the NFL funk and into the glory that is the World Baseball classic, then spring training, and dare I say it…..Fantasy Baseball. And nothing will get you in the mood for the 2009 baseball season like reading about Mickey Mantle and beaver shooting. Plus, if you take off the dust sleeve it will actually look like you are reading something of value, to which your significant other with take notice and believe you are trying to better yourself. Which is a nice bonus. If you take this unsolicited advice and actually try to read and be forward thinking, by the time you finish the book, the Big Game will be well over and done with and you will be in a much better place mentally.
– CW