Playlist To Do Dishes By #1

Often when I do the dishes (after another wonderful Angel Food dinner), I’ll put on my iPod and hit random or genius. Tonight my little Nano served up a magical selection that I’m calling tonight’s, “Playlist To Do Dishes By”.

If you don’t know these particular songs or versions, I encourage you to give them a listen…

Aimee Mann “Little Bombs”
Aimee Mann & Michael Penn “Two of Us”
Tori Amos “Bouncing Off Clouds”
Rilo Kiley “Smoke Detector”
Suzanne Vega “(I’ll Never Be) Your Maggie May”
Hem “When I Was Drinking”
Sarah Harmer “Lodestar”
Ben Folds “Jesusland”
XTC “Mayor of Simpleton”

Enjoy the music, people!


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